Thursday, July 06, 2006

City girl

I have to come to a new understanding about myself. I am, much to my chagrin, a city girl. I have made fun of those who don't know how to function past Frisco, but I have to admit a certain camaraderie with them. The following story will demonstrate this.

Lonnie and I both worked at our respective job on July 4th, but on the 3rd, he suggested we take a drive. So drive we did, in an attempt to find a bison range that he had heard about. Well, we over shot the bison range and found ourselves in Missoula, 121 miles from home. I was so excited, I could barely contain myself as we drove past the wonders that is Old Navy.

We found the college campus in town and walked around, and then my dear husband asked what I wanted to do. "Go to the mall" was my reply. So my husband took me to the mall and I reveled in stores such as Dillards and dropped $75 at the Gap. Though I got 6 items, not to bad. I felt complete and happy. And that is when I discovered that though I am content where I may be, I like the city. I love the shops, the Starbucks, and the vast array of restaurants that do not say "family dining". I love houses that don't have an acre yard to mow, and thought is put into landscaping. I like being on city sewage and having neighbors. I like having more then 2 major roads with which to navigate. I am a city girl. And I love the Gap.

We did find the bison rage on the way back, but it was late and the bison were not to be seen. However, we have decided that we will go again sometime. I just hope we miss it again.


The Once and Future TC said...
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Misplaced Texan said...

hmmm, I remember some cattle around Independence and Parker(?). But that is cool.

Anonymous said...

Ahem, I'm deleting my first comment and reposting it due to the unintentional indecency of my South Park alter ego. (She's fully clothed! I swear!)

Didja know there used to be buffalo up in Plano? (Not roaming free, but still.) I can't remember how long ago that was, but I definitely recall taking out-of-town visitors there to see them.

I want to say it was somewhere around Parker and Preston, maybe....

Anonymous said...

...just trying to help a mis-placed city girl out! ;)

you can enjoy your mt. views from your deck while surfing on-line via wireless web.... My Montana-life goal is to convert you to Montana Coffee Trader's instead of Starbucks... their IBM is pretty good and their Tofu Twister Wrap is yum, yum, yum! ... but the chairs aren't as cute...

okay... off to find the "teen version" of Hooked on a Feeling that Lonnie tells me is so much better than the Hasselhoff wacko version...