Tuesday, March 04, 2008

If I still lived in Texas...

I would go cast my vote for Hillary today (I can't believe I wrote that). But you can vote for whomever you want. But for your reading enjoyment, here, here and here is why I am not a fan of Obama. (Not that I am crazy about Hillary, I just think that she might not send our county into as bad of a recession.)


Mrs. Sweet Line said...

Would you really vote for Hilary, Mrs. Frozen Tundra? Would you perhaps consider not voting at all before voting for either of these 2 Dems or 1 Rep? Seems like they all offer rather bleak economic (amidst other) solutions. Just curious...

Anonymous said...

So, I think the frozen north froze your brain. I know the republican canidates aren't great but they are significantly better than either Hilary or Obama! Good grief woman stand up for your Christian values as well as political leanings!

Neal Audenaert said...

Er. . . a bit late on this response. I did vote for Hilary. No doubt for similar reasons (my gosh anything but Obama, and hehehe wouldn't it be fun if this went on and they kept making fools of themselves. . . sure enough.