Monday, May 05, 2008

Adventures in moving

So Mr. M and I decided that we were tired of living in a moldy apartment with navy blue carpet and a neighbor who likes to drink a lot. So we moved last weekend. As soon as it is presentable, I will post pictures. But the real point of my story took place yesterday. Yesterday I was placing some platters and such on top of my cabinets above the fridge and I looked over and saw this:

That would be a gun laying on the cabinets of my new apartment. So I called Mr. M and said,

Me: "Honey, do we own a gun I don't know about?

Mr. M: "Ha, that's me hiding guns from you!"

Me: "No, really do we own a rifle?"

Mr. M: "Of course not, why are you asking?"

Me: "Well, I just found a gun on top of the fridge."

Mr. M: "Riiiiiight."

Me: "No, really I am for real"

Mr. M: "You are really for real?"

Me: "Yes"

I then decided to call my landlady and left a message on her phone.

Me: "Hi, this is D from apt X, ummmm I found a gun on top of my fridge. I haven't touched it, and I am not really quite sure what to do with it. Perhaps the last tenet would want it back? Call me back and let me know what you think."

Then I thought, "Hey, my brother is in the army the more I look at this thing, the more plastic I see, I will call him and ask if it is a real gun."

Me: "Brother, hey I found a gun on top of my fridge, but a lot of it is plastic, do you think it is a real gun?"

Army Brother: "Oh yeah, it could be a real gun, my expensive pistol has lots of plastic on it. Take a picture of it and send it to me. Just don't point it at anything."

Me: "Umm, I don't think I am going to touch it."

Army Brother: "Hey I am at R's house seeing her new baby, do you want to talk to her?

Me: "OK"

R: "Hi, how are you?"

Me: "Fine, I just found a gun on top of my fridge."

Mr. M later came home and determined that it is an air gun, and by brother wrote me back and told me the model of the gun. My landlady picked it up today, so I don't have to worry about it any more.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome. Saunders asked the other day if you were finished moving - I should have told him you were just disarming your apartment:)

Anonymous said...

HAHA That is SOOOOOO Montana!!