Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sick, sick

You know it is bad when you are the admitting nurse for a patient and you are secretly thinking that you are WAY sicker then the patient.

After 2 and a half weeks, I broke down and went to the doctor, and I am now the proud owner of an advair (think steroid inhaler, to the tune of $141) and an albuterol inhaler. I have to rinse my mouth out after I use the advair so it won't rot my teeth out. I also have fun narcotic cough syrup that makes me loopy and not fit to drive, so I can only take that at night before I go to bed.

Turns out that I have a reactive airway disease. I have suspected this for some time, I just never found a doctor that believed me.

I don't really know why I am posting this except that I don't have anything else going on. Just trying to stay on top of all my medications. Oh yes, and after watching the first 2 seasons of "Lost," we are now obsessed with "Firefly." I need to get out more, except every time the cold air hits my lungs, I go into a coughing spasm.


Anonymous said...

oh no! I'm sorry you're so sick!

The Once and Future TC said...

Feel better!

Liz said...

Ah, Deborah, we are still connected though we are so far apart. You get diagnosed with a reactive airway disease and get meds for it, I get diagnosed with fibromyalgia and get lots of meds. Do you see how we are following such similar paths?