Thursday, March 08, 2007

What happened in February

Not much. Sorry for the lack of posts, but when every single day is dark, cloudy, gray and cold, there just isn't a lot to write about. Two things worth mentioning.

1) We went to Ohio for a weekend for a surprise party for Mr. M's brother. He has been working at a church for 20 years, so they threw him a surprise party and flew us out there.

2) I came down with a case of the shingles. Shingles is usually something old people get, but no, I had to get it too. It is actually chicken pox that goes and lives in your nerves afterwards. All of you have it in your nerves, but mine decided to venture forth. At first I thought that I had been bit by something, then the pain spread and I woke up several times at night thinking I was being stabbed. Don't worry, I got over it.

At the moment I am sicker then a dog with a nasty cough and I won't tell you what my GI system is up to.

Oh yeah, and Mr. M and myself are totally obsessed with the series "Lost". Someone lent us the first 2 seasons and we watch it whenever we can. We just finished the second season last night. I think Michael is a total jerk!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Once and Future TC said...

LOL, I love Lost. But I only have one VCR, and that is busy elsewhere on Wednesday nights. So I was going to tape it at my parents' house, but I keep forgetting to tell them to turn on the cable box. So now instead of the new episodes, I have an entire tape full of snow.

And I love Lost, or at least I thought I loved it, until I discovered that I'm not terribly upset about the snow-tapes.