Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Return of the Conspiracy Theorist

Well, I had a blast with my parents up here last week. They took us out for lots of good food and we let them sleep in our comfy bed. (But the air mattress does remind me of first being married). On Sunday, we took them to church with us.

Now on this Sunday morning, Mr. M and myself were to be introduced to the congregation since we agreed to help out with the college students this summer. So we had to attend a the first few min of the second service. I dropped my parents off in our Sunday school class and told them we would be a few minutes late. When I reentered the room, who do you think was sitting next to my dad? That's right folks, the organic conspiracy theorist!!!!!! Oh, God! was my first thought, he got to them.

Fortunately, my father is a well read man and had previously read about this guy on my blog and figured out what was going on. My dear dad just stared straight ahead and nodded. When the guy asked my father for his e-mail, my dad said "no." I was so proud. The guy almost fell over in shock. Apparently most people give him an e-mail address just to humor him. Even my own dear husband has given him an e-mail address. Go, Dad, for standing your ground.

And as soon as my father sends me some pictures of their trip, I will post pics of what it looks like up here in the summer.

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