Saturday, April 15, 2006

Job Update and Easter

Well, I have worked 2 days at my new job! I am enjoying it so far although I miss my old 8 hour shifts, these are 12 hour shifts. People really seem to care about the patients here, the staff is hard working and people are really nice to me. They put up a sign in the front desk of the floor that said, "Welcome, Deborah Mullet." I have never had such a nice welcome.

The night before I started work, I was laying in bed talking to Mr. M and thinking about all the places I have worked. I came to the conclusion that the last job I had that I liked was my first job working at a maternity store when I was a senior in high school. Now I have worked at 3 retail stores, and 2 hospitals as my past jobs. I am hoping that I will like this job too. I would really like to like what I do or at least find some sort of importance to it besides just paying my discover card off.

A few days ago we received an invite from our pastor to spend Easter with his family. We gladly accepted and I asked if I could bring anything.

Pastor Ron: Well, we are having lasagna, what goes with that?

Me: Ummm, well, my family often has sweet potatoes, but that doesn't really go with lasagna.

Pastor Ron: See my wife is still in Mexico, we usually have a ham, but I can't cook that. But I can cook a frozen lasagna.

Me: (in my head thinking, this is starting to make sense) hmmm, how about a salad?

Pastor Ron: well, someone else is already bringing a salad.

Me: How about French bread?

Pastor Ron: That is a great idea! French bread would be great!

So I am bringing French bread to the Easter dinner. Although not quite as strange as when my friend Shelley and I went to Freebirds for Easter lunch and got a standing ovation from the crew since we were the only people there. We hoped our mother's would not be to horrified that we were having burritos for Easter dinner. Life in college, I miss Freebirds.


Anonymous said...

You never told me about about the Freebird's story! That's hilarious. Btw, I actually work right across the street from the Freebirds in Fort Worth, and I've never been. How wrong is that?

Misplaced Texan said...

Very wrong, you must go at once and have some for the poor sad souls who are thousands of miles from a freebirds.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll get on that. ;) Want me to freeze you one and overnight it to you? ;)

Shelley said...

mmmm Freebirds! :)

That memory made me smile!