Friday, April 07, 2006

UTI round II

Most days I have our car because I drop off Mr. M at the carpool and pick him up. But on Wednesday he needed the car. Of course, about noon, I figured out that I have a UTI again!

So I look up the closest clinic (1.1 miles), call my insurance to see if I can go there and hike to the clinic. Did get some antibiotics and a prescription for the pain reliever. I hiked home, took the old pain reliever (left over from my last UTI) since I couldn't fill it until I had a car, and curled up in a ball waiting for my husband to come home.

Being the wonderful man that he is, he went off to Wall-Mart, got me my medications (along with an Elmo kite), fixed me dinner and sat and watched the first half of "Gone with the Wind," since I have never seen it before.

I am very frustrated by all this infection going on. I am not supposed to get sick very often!!!! On the plus side, I start earning money on Tuesday!


Chris and Amber said...

Oh my gosh!!!!
You poor thing!!

Shelley said...

I was feeling funnie the other day, and since I read your blog I correctly diagnosed myself with a UTI! I'm so glad I read it, else I wouldve waited and had no idea what was going on until it got really bad. I feel your pain, although mine was short-lived and mostly painless.

Feel better and good luck with job!

Misplaced Texan said...

Wow! I had no idea that my blog could serve others in such a great way. Amusement and education!