Thursday, May 11, 2006

So Sorry

to take so long to update. The few times I have tried, blogger was down. What's a girl to do? Quick update on my life: I like my job! Can you believe it? On Monday I was working second shift and I was looking forward to going to work. I shall now proceed to do the "I am so happy that I don't hate my job" dance. I actually have time to really take care of my patients, really chart the way I want to and really do a good job! Amazing. I am even developing good working relations with my co-workers. People like me!

Also, Lonnie and I have been asked by the youth pastor at our church to help out with the college students this summer. Yeaaa! We like that age group and it should be fun and good for us! It should be interesting. Crazy times are ahead.

Now for my random observation about the world. Did you know that Costco started in Seattle? The mega store to end all mega stores started in Seattle and flourishes in Seattle? This is the same town that hates Wal-Mart with a passion and the same columnist who devoted an entire column to the evils of Wal-Mart admits that he shops at Costco. Does no one else see the irony in this?

Wal- Mart at least sells things that you really can't get anywhere else, like cheap lawn chairs and a vast assortment of hygiene products, and random crap that you find out you really need when there isn't a Wal-Mart around.

Costco, on the other hand, folks can more easily line without. Lonnie and I recently purchased a membership there and use it most frequently to eat lunch there. But really, do I need 6 bunches of Romaine lettuce? Do I need 18 yogurt's? It would be a great place to shop if I had 6 kids, but I don't (and pray I never do). Just goes to prove, I guess, that people like to save money after all, and they still get to hate Wal-Mart at the same time. But do you really need 5 deodorants?


Francesca said...
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Misplaced Texan said...
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Francesca said...

I know...I was just trying to give you a hard time. ;)