Saturday, February 09, 2008

Education is the key.

Today Mr. M and I went to try out a new little Mexican food joint. The food is OK and we will probably go again, even if they think that an enchilada is a tortilla placed on a grill with cheese, put the fillings in, roll, top with sauce and never sees the inside of an oven.

However the kicker is how the employees answer questions:

Girl: Do you want the hot or mild sauce?

Me (looking at a red enchilada sauce and a green one): What is in the different sauces?

Girl: One is hot and one is mild.

Girl: Do you want Mexican rice or sweet rice?

Me (I should have known better): Well, what's the difference?

Girl: One is sweet and one is Mexican.

I give up.


Francesca said...

Wow, you tried out mexican food in Montana? You guys are braver than I am!! ;-P

Shelley said...

I feel like this blog entry sums up the reason i can never move away from texas. heart you.