Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Road to Recovery

Well, instead of going out and dressing up this Halloween or Reformation Day or what ever you want to call it (yes, I was raised by a man with a theology degree), I worked. Yuppers, I worked the 3-11 evening shift at the hospital.

I have to admit, I was a bit anxious. Last year when I worked, there were 3 nurses for all 25 cardiac patients on the floor. You do the math. Just us vs. The force of cardiac disease and poop explosions. I still have nightmares about the night. It was a very scary Halloween. But a year later, a lot of things have changed on the floor, and I am so thankful. A new nurse manager/I am now PRN, so life is a lot better. This one year anniversary was kind of a nice point of reference to help me get over some anxieties about work.

This should be interesting starting a new job again in 2006. It will be the third hospital I will work since I became a nurse in 2002. I just keep moving around too much!

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