Friday, October 28, 2005

I have my cake, and ate some too!

One of the upsides of getting married.... cake testing (or should I say tasting?) Sit in a room and look at lots of pictures of wedding cakes and then you get to taste some cake. How fun. The really big decision is rather to have a grooms cake or not. For those of you not from the South, down here both the bride and groom get a cake. The brides cake is usually the big white one. Mine is going to be with cake with a raspberry filling and a cream frosting. Then there is a smaller chocolate one that usually has something like a college logo or something on it. His cake is going to be chocolate cake with a chocolate moose filling with chocolate frosting topped with ganage(sp?). Some sort of chocolate dripping all over the cake.

Well, up until my good friend Jessica's wedding in August, my fiance had never heard of such a thing. So I did get one and I ordered a surprise for the top of it, but I can't say what it is because my fiance might read this.

Just a random fun note for all peoples interested in wedding things. Can you believe the price of this butter dish? . Who knew that you could spend so much to entertain? Don't worry, I have no intention of registering for it. I have felt enough angst and guilt over the extravagance of my $9 butter dish that I almost didn't register for, because after all, how often will I use a dish for butter?

But not everything is cake and ice cream. My grandfather is in the hospital recovering from open chest surgery, and I just found out that some friends of mine aren't doing very well. It is so hard to see the people you love suffer. Sometimes, because of my nursing job, I feel like the ignorance that surrounds youth was taken away from me. I know what waits for me when I get old. And old age will come and sometimes sooner then you think. So enjoy your youth and don't be foolish and mispend it without ever thinking about the future, or mispending it by not ever thinking about the now, but always the focus on the future. It will come soon enough.

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