Monday, October 17, 2005

Vents anybody?

When talking to my fiance the other day, he was telling me about the apartment we will live in that I have yet to see. Apparently the kitchen has vents in it, out of which blows heated air. Now being from Texas, I think that it is strange that the vents are on the ground, but otherwise don't have a problem with this. My fiance then informs me that most of the time heat comes from radiator type things that run along baseboards. He has me convinced that I am the most unobservant person ever, because I have no idea what he is talking about, until I talk to my friend who moved to Texas last year from Pennsylvania. That's when she exclaims that she had not even noticed that these types of heaters are not down here. Reassured that I am not totally off my rocker, I proceed to inquire about these heaters.

How easy is it to burn oneself?
Can I allow small children to crawl around them?
Are they large like the ones in the movies?

I have received conflicting information about the burning potential of these things (whatever they are.) My fiance says that you can't burn yourself unless you try, but my friend states that house fires are often caused by blankets touching these things. At least I know to put the bed on the other wall!


Giles Hash said...

The burning thing is true! My roommate in Oregon melted a laundry basket with one of those radiators. It smells aweful, and it really can get hot enough to burn you.

Misplaced Texan said...

So glad to know this information. See you may have helped prevent me from some horrible accident, now that I know the dangers of these heaters. (I bet that plastic did smell!)