Thursday, October 06, 2005

Photographer angst

Who would have thought that I may go to law school to understand all these contracts I have to sign for a wedding? I hate committing to things. If you ask me to go to dinner with you, I will delay setting the time until that afternoon. Having specific times and places to be can be so constraining. I used to think I was strange, but my roommate is worse then me about it, so I can't be that extreme.

So having to say that I will be somewhere at a certain time in 3 months and give you huge amounts of money to do it, is a bit stressful for me.

My latest decision is reading over photographer contracts. Because this is where it gets sticky. See A might cost more then B, but A has two photographers, a website and gives you credit toward an album. And I like their questions slightly better. But do I like them $900 more? Decisions, decisions.

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