Wednesday, October 05, 2005


OK, so I haven't moved to Montana yet, but I will in Jan of 2006. Why you might ask? Why would someone leave the glories of Texas, the satisfaction of only using her ice scraper about 4 times in the last 7 years, and the comfort of friends and family to move to a place she has never been?

I blame it on love. Yes, in Jan, I will be married to the man I love, and moving to Montana with him. I have never been to Montana. The closest I have been to Montana is watching "Legends of the Fall". My fiance says that I will only be allowed to complain about the cold 3 times a week, so I need a new outlet.

In the meantime, I can write about all the odd things that come from throwing a wedding together in 3 months.

So here is a question for you, what constitutes an engagement? I am planning a wedding, I have a date of Jan 21, my fiance and I have picked out tuxes and made various other arrangement such as putting a down payment on the church. Yet some people do not consider me engaged because I do not have a ring and a big story. Plenty of people have been married in this world without an engagement ring. After all, I am marrying the man, not the ring. And I would rather he drive a car that won't die on him and then he will freeze to death, just so I can wear a piece of a rock. Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking rings. I just think we need to keep it all in perspective.


Anonymous said...

I just think you should get a ring out of a gumball machine, make up a story, and then start showing around the ring like you have no idea that it is plastic;)

And I will quit telling you that you are not engaged if that is what you want:)


Liz said...

You could always do what I did. Go to Foleys and buy a cz ring. You can pick out whatever you want. You can get lavish and flashy (although I don't see that as suiting you) or you can get a simple, tasteful one. Then people won't bug you about it, and all those guys following you around won't keep asking you out and having to get their hearts broken. They'll know you're already taken. And you can get used to having a ring on your finger. If that's not your style, I say don't worry about it. You'll get married and have a ring then, and you will have the rest of your life to wear that ring on your finger. Enjoy having it naked for a few months more.

Misplaced Texan said...

I have had numerous friends suggest the CZ ring thing. I actually told my fiance several months ago that he should do that. But he won't listen to me. So I know everyone (including me) is voting for the CZ, but we have to talk him into it first.