Friday, October 07, 2005

Short order cook

For those of you who are fortunate enough not to work in a hospital, let me expand your horizons. As a nurse, my job is to plan patient care, administer medications that are the right dose, the right way to the right person, coordinate all the tests and labs, make sure they are completed, ensure vital signs stay stable, document everything I do, remind doctors of various things they forgot to order, and try to get people taken care and out of the hospital.

Nowhere in the above description did I say anything about a short order cook!!! I don't cook your food, I don't order your food, I don't season your food, nor do I really care about your food. In fact, I don't know where the kitchen is in the hospital! You would not believe the number of people who get mad because I won't cook them a hot meal at midnight. If you want a hot meal, go to Denny's, not the hospital. We are trying to get most people to lose weight anyway.

Today I got a sandwich tray for my patient because that is all that we have after the kitchen closes for the night. After explaining this to her, she proceeds to ask for a list of foods that are not sandwiches. When I finally convinced her that we don't have them, then she proceeds to tell me how she wants her sandwich (which is premade, I don't put it together).

After getting off work, I called my fiance at the number he left on my phone. He is currently driving to Montana. Except like any decent person, he is asleep at 12:30 a.m. and not very verbal. Poor guy, I wouldn't have called him except he left a message that he wanted me to call him when I got off. He already had a flat tire today. I just hope he gets to Montana alive!

Finally decided on a photographer today. Here is their website:

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