Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Drowning in towelege

I am beginning to understand why some people's brains turn to oatmeal mush when they get engaged. It's not the gooey feelings (though those are nice too.) Nope. It is all the stupid little decisions that you never thought you would care about in your whole life.

I have spent more time then I care to admit today looking at towels online. Can I just say that I never thought picking out towels was a big deal. Find a shower curtain, find some towels to match, out the door is less then 20 min max. But now that this is all registered, people are talking about my choice of towels and I am trying to pick them on the internet, since the shower curtain I like is on the internet.

Just so you know, apparently all towels are made of Egyptian cotton. They are all made of 100% cotton. So why does one cost $30 and another one $7? So I look at all the towels and think well there must be a difference in quality. Surly I can pick out one that is better then $7. But $30? I don't know that my body is nice enough to be using a $30 towel. Next come the mid-price options and now it sounds more like a car rental sedan choice then a towel.

Yes, I am a trained professional who can go almost anywhere in the world and get a job. I have several degrees. People trust me with their lives and loved ones. I can write some fairly good critical papers if I like the topic. And I am living with my parents, picking out towels off the internet at 2 AM. By the way, did you know peridot is a color?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog!!!! Leave it to a philosophy major to write interestingly about towels;)
We got ours at Target, and they cost about 15 bucks each, if that helps;)