Monday, January 09, 2006

Where am I you ask?

Well, my public demands a new post from me so here it is. Here's looking at you, kid.

My family and I surveyed the freeways of LA (hey, they drive better there then in Dallas.) Warning: the following could be considered gross by many people, not for the faint of heart. On the Wednesday night of our trip, I took my sock off to see a huge red half circle spreading up my foot. I had picked up a case of athlete's foot and had been treating it. But 2 days before, I had an opening blister come up between two of my affected toes. I drained it, cleaned it with H2O2 and placed anti-bacterial stuff on it along with the anti-fungal cream I was already using. So when I saw the large amount of infection spreading up my foot, I was not happy. So I go to the doctor in urgent care in the ER and spend a couple of hours to be told that I have cellulitis. No, duh. That's why I came to the hospital.Warning is now finished.

So 10 days of anti-biotics are being taken. I am just glad that I will be off of them for a week before the wedding. We don't want any interference with the BC pills. No little Mullets running around yet! The best part was when I was waiting outside the hospital for my family to come pick me up after I was done. My old roommie, Amber, calls and asks what I am doing.

"Waiting at a hospital in Bakersfield, CA for my family to pick me up."

"Good, Lord, are you OK?"

I then explain my little situation, just sounds more drastic then it is.

In other news, I had a lingerie shower yesterday and it was so nice to hang out with some of my girlfriends and just have time to talk about whatever. I hope a relaxing time was had by all.

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