Wednesday, March 22, 2006

No Words Describe

Read this article first before you read my post, or else you won't know what I am talking about.

Now thank God above that you grew up in the family you did. Because no matter how screwed up they are, you didn't go through that. (Warning: I will be expressing some religious beliefs. There, I warned you.)

Sometimes I am scared that by becoming a nurse I have made myself immune to others suffering. I don't care as much as I used to, don't have the emotional room for others hurts (or perceived hurts). But last night I lay in bed and thought about this girl. For a few min, I thought, "Wait, maybe I could adopt her! We have a spare bedroom, she wouldn't need a babysitter, we would love her." Except for the fact that I have only been married a few months, we have NO money and she and I don't speak the same language.

And then of course they have to ask the question about if she believes in good people in the world. So what if she does or doesn't?!? The world is filled with horrible, evil, shitty people. (pardon my French, but it is true in this case, what has been done to her is obscene.) We are a people on self-destruct and always have been. What is even more horrible and evil is that this is not a once every 20 years kind of incident. Horrible, evil things happen every day to millions of people. Only by God's sheer grace am I not in their shoes.

I don't understand people who think that the world is basically good. Only people who live in the USA, don't read or watch the news, and have never worked in a hospital could say that. The fact is WE SUCK. We are HORRIBLE and we are EVIL. There is evil in the world and it is in every one of us. If you don't know about it in yourself then either you are an idiot, or exist on about 5 brain cells. Look around, I mean really look around you. Evil is not just what we do, it is what we don't do (myself included). Do I treat others around me with the love and respect they deserve for being a fellow human, created in the image of God? No, I don't. And you don't either.

Last night as I was wallowing in how evil the world is, my prayer is for "Lord, come quickly. We need You. Gulsoma needs you."


Bob D said...

I like the way you write, Texas Girl, humorously, succinctly. These stories of cruelty seem to be everywhere, don't they? I don't think that we suck, or wallow in evil - and I live in the USA. I've worked too long with bad people to be naive.

I'm concerned, alarmed sometimes, but I've seen loads of good. Keep writing, you're very refreshing.

Misplaced Texan said...

Hey, thanks for the comment. (I sometimes wonder if anyone reads this thing.) Don't worry, I don't always sit in a state of evil accusing. I know that there is a lot of grace and good in the world. But sometimes I know that I have more then my fair share.