Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Points of Interest

I thought I would post about some small but odd things from this week of living in Montana.

1)Down the street there is a fire truck for sale. Parked in a parking lot, with a big for sale sign in the window. Just think, are you looking for the next step up from you gas guzzling Hummer? Consider purchasing this shiny red fire truck. Ladders included. Your kids will love it. You will be the coolest mom on the block. Everyone will want to ride with you on carpool days. (This is when I am really missing my lost camera, so I could post a pic of this.)

2) Chocolate eggs are 94 cents a dozen at Wall-Mart. Now think about this. These eggs are packed in a foam crate just like real eggs, processed and put all sort of crap in them. Real eggs are 98 cents a dozen at Wall-Mart. The real egg, as in, straight out of the chicken kind of egg. Something is wrong with the way we eat.

3) There was a men's retreat at my church a few weeks ago. Men were encouraged to bring the following: friends, Bible, pen, notebook, teachable heart, (so far, fairly normal) snowmobile, 4-wheeler, ice fishing equipment, firearms, and ammunition. Later there were pictures of the men doing their manly things including shooting at clay pigeons. The caption on that picture read, "The church that shoots together, stays together".

4) Have you ever met a person and you know the second you meet them that the only reason they met you is to put their ideals on you? Mr. M and I made our acquaintance with a man at church. After shaking my husband's hand, he immediately pulls out pictures of his garden out of his bible and starts talking about gardening and the importance of healthy eating and how his compost pile has apple cores from New Zealand, and banana peels from South America. I (trying my best to embrace that we are all part of the body of Christ) attempt to make pleasant conversation with the fellow although it is getting strange.

Then he asks if we read what he wrote in the newspaper on Friday. We don't get the paper, but I think to myself that perhaps he writes a column on gardening or something. No, turns out that he wrote a letter arguing with what some cardiolgist had said. The thought goes through my head, "Oh my god, he is one of those nuts who writes the paper to make fools of themselves and say there is a big conspiracy."

Next the conversation turns to how the government doesn't research heart disease correctly and everything we have been told is false and he can prove it. (Taking deep breath here, not any old nut, he is turning into a conspiracy theorist).

Since I have worked on a cardiac floor this is a little much for me. Now I am not denying that there is plenty of stuff that docs change their minds about, but most people have heart disease because they are FAT! When my 400 pound patient is wheeled in the door (because they can't walk, they are so FAT), their heart is in bad shape because they are FAT and eat to much fried chicken. I attempt to explain this to the guy in a nice a way as possible, and he tells me that there are conflicting studies all the time and what do I have to say to that?!?!?!?!?!?!?! At this point, I am ready to tear what few strands of hair are left on his head and tell him that he is a complete moron. Of course there are conflicting studies, some are badly done, different people are different, and few are done EXACTLY alike! Read the freaking fine print! AGGGGGGGG!

My darling husband, seeing the look on my face, mumbles something about that we must get going and such and gets me away from the man before I blow my top.

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