Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Some have a milk man....

Background: my poor husband started vomiting at work so I had to go pick him up and drive him home in the backseat. That evening we are watching a movie in our bedroom.

Knock-Knock, I get out of bed to answer the door.

UPS man standing at the door: "You are on my bad list."

Me: "uhh, OK"

UPS man: "You have 14 boxes."

Me: "Wow! I didn't think they would all come at once."

UPS man: "I am going to bring them to the bottom of the stairs, but not up the stairs."

Me: "OK, fair enough"

I then drag my poor sick husband to help me drag the boxes up the stairs.

Next day: Knock- Knock

Me open door to find UPS man standing there with a package.

UPS man: "I feel like I should ask what's for dinner."

Me: "Do you want a Dr. Pepper?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good grief, people! It seems like every other post involves some sort of sudden illness! I hope Mr. M is doing better and neither of you threw out your back getting the 14 boxes up.