Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Super Sonic

For those of you who thought I would be posting about Sonic the Hedgehog (cute little feller, never could play the game) or Sonic the restaurant (Vanilla Dr. Pepper mmmmm), I am sorry to disappoint.

No instead this is a post devoted to my new toothbrush. That's right, a toothbrush. But not just any toothbrush. Mr. M has been having some dental problems and upon recommendation of his dental hygenist, we purchased the Sonicare a4100 with superior plaque removal, extra soft bristles, smart timer and patented sonic technology.

Well, I don't know if it will help him out, but I love this thing. I have only used it 3 times and my teeth are whiter then they have ever been (and have done numerous teeth bleaching kits). When I floss after brushing, there is nothing to get out between my teeth. Did I mention my teeth are white? Do you people know that I live on tea, Dr. Pepper, and coffee in that order? Have you any idea how embarrassed I was all through high school about my yellow teeth (before I lived on tea, Dr. Pepper and coffee)? And now after 3 uses of this magical machine, I am tempted to try out to be a tooth model.

I was just lamenting to Lonnie last night as we brushed our teeth (excuse me, sonicared our teeth) that it was to bad I had already bought a toothbrush holder since we don't need it anymore. But He kindly pointed out that it was cheap to begin with and he needed a place to store his gum cleaner. I guess it wasn't a total waste of money.

1 comment:

Chris and Amber said...

You should get a commission on those! I totally want to buy one!! :)