Thursday, December 13, 2007

Adventures in Tree Cutting

Here in Montana, you can buy a $5 pass and go on state land and chop down your own Christmas tree. So last Saturday, we bought our pass and proceeded to wander the woods for the afternoon. It was cold and icy and even my pink snow boots weren't keeping me warm. And ALL THE TREES WERE HORRIBLE!

We would see a tree, take a closer look at it and see that it was really 3 trees growing together. So if you cut one down, you would have lots of area with no branches. A few not growing together were just horrible looking, or to short or to tall.

So we did what all good Americans do: bought one out of a parking lot for $35 (gasp, that a 1/3 of a fake tree that doesn't DIE). Once we got home I realized that it was spray painted, that's why it looks so nice, but at this point, I don't care. Here is our fresh cut tree:

And here it is all decorated. Note the tree topper hanging from the ceiling.
Here is a fun centerpiece I put together with a Target candle, Target cranberries and candle holder we got for our wedding.
Also Bath and Bodyworks is selling the cutest tea light holders and if you wait until after Christmas you can get this table runner from Target at half price like I did last year. Yes, I love Target. I would live there if I could and then visit Bed Bath and Beyond for lunch.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures of Montana and the gift suggestions. Your blog has been getting very interesting of late; I think you've been discovering your authorial "voice."

Any idea where you'll be six weeks from today?

Make Mine a Triple said...

Who cares if it's spray painted? It looks PURTY!