Sunday, December 30, 2007
N. T. Wright
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Old Memories
The Christmas season always makes me think of one of my strangest Christmas memories. I was doing the gift exchange with the family of a guy I dated in college. The guy's mother was a sweet lady, but a little odd. I felt a bit sorry for her as her husband wouldn't let her have a Christmas tree since in the last few years he had decided it was "pagan" without consulting his wife on the matter. So I got her some Christmas tree scented candles since she said she missed the scent of the tree so much. That's me, always promoting martial harmony.
Anyway, her future daughter-in-law (the girl engaged to the brother of the guy I was dating) really outdid me. See Mrs. T had a thing for cats. They had 2 cats and she was always taking pictures of them, getting cute little cat things, she was a cat person. (I always found it odd that the cats didn't actually like her, but that doesn't really pertain to the story.) And since she couldn't have a Christmas tree, thanks to her loving husband, she extracted revenge by decorating the entire house in snowmen.
Really, snowmen everywhere. The guest bathroom had snowmen towels, snowman soap dispenser, and a snowman picture. That was just the bathroom under the stairs. One entire counter in the kitchen was taken up with stuffed snowmen. Don't forget snowmen dishes, snowmen blankets, and snowmen candle holders. You name it, she had it. Or so I thought.
The future Mrs. T presented her future mother-in-law with the most hideous sweater I have ever seen. A red button down sweater with snowmen appliqué that are really snowcats! Snowmen with pointy ears and whiskers. There is something to be said for being creative, I am all about creativity, but this was creativity gone very bad. She loved it. No, no, she was ecstatic about it. She showed it off at all times. Mrs. T had it on every time I saw her for the next 2 months. I just tried my best not to say anything.
I have tried my best to dig up a picture of the horrible thing, but alas someone has realized that a good sweater, it does not make and is not making it anymore. Too bad.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That morns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.
Chorus: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel
O come, O come, Thou Lord of Might,
Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height,
In ancient times didst give the law
In cloud and majesty and awe.
O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan's tyranny;
From depths of hell Thy people save
And give them vict'ry o'er the grave.
O come, Thou Day-spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here;
O drive away the shades of night
And pierce the clouds and and bring us light.
O come, Thou Key of David, come
And open wide our heav'nly home
Where all Thy saints with Thee shat dwell
O come, O come, Emmanuel!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Party in a Lampshade!
Being intrigued and because we had an extra $5 lying around, we bought the each one uniquely made light bulb. Just think, all that stained glass art for only $5. This was going to bring our living room to a whole new level. Disco meets the Renaissance. And we were right, check out my Eiffel tower lamp now.
Another plus to this bulb is that it is only 25 watts. Now the reader might say, "but that isn't much light!" and you would be correct. However, I was reminded of a cookbook that Make Mine a Triple gave me back in the day entitled "I Hate to Cook Book." I have always admired Peg Bracken as a writer since then. I can't find that exact quote, but she writes of a hostess who never cleaned her house before a party because it was just going to get dirty during the party. She would change out all her light bulbs to low watt bulbs and called it mood lighting. Nobody ever noticed she had not cleaned. If I am ever in a time crunch and I have you over and all my bulbs are like this, you know I haven't dusted.
Evolution of a Christmas Picture
Mrs. M then tries to point out their wedding pictures as an example of a good smile
Change the camera height and voila, Christmas card picture. (AKA this was the end of Mr. M's patience). You should be getting these in the mail sometime after Christmas.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Adventures in Tree Cutting
We would see a tree, take a closer look at it and see that it was really 3 trees growing together. So if you cut one down, you would have lots of area with no branches. A few not growing together were just horrible looking, or to short or to tall.
So we did what all good Americans do: bought one out of a parking lot for $35 (gasp, that a 1/3 of a fake tree that doesn't DIE). Once we got home I realized that it was spray painted, that's why it looks so nice, but at this point, I don't care. Here is our fresh cut tree:
TenThousand Villages
The second one is Ten Thousand Villages, a fair trade organization. You can order online or check their store locations. (I know that they have a store in Austin, Texas.) Check out their website to learn more about their fair trade policies. A local church in our area had a 3 day holiday fair and brought in some of their products to sell. Here are some things we bought.
A wacky wind chime. Made in Indonesia, cost $10.00
Cute ornament. Made in India, cost $8.
Large purse/bag. Made in Bangladesh, cost $10.00
So if you aren't done with your holiday shopping, head on over to these websites and check out these goods. You can get good stuff and help the world! (Note, I only used gifts on this website of people who don't read this site. So don't worry, I am not giving any surprises away.)
Living in a Winter Wonderland
Of course there are a few upsides. This tree branch looks nice in white.
And this tree is enjoying her winter coat.
And I get to wear my pink snow boots!
This doesn't really make up for their being white stuff all over the ground, but I try to stay positive.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The morning of Thanksgiving, Mr. M woke up not feeling very good. I thought he was being whiny because whenever he has a headache, he gets all grumpy and I have to force him to drink water and take Advil. But I did feel bad, because later as I was in the shower, he started vomiting in the toilet. I guess the honeymoon is over. Don't worry, he was all better by the end of the day, but I had to leave him and take all the food since I cooked. (I am not being a mean wife by leaving him. He warned me before we got married that he gets grumpy and wants to be left alone when he is sick. So I just left him alone.)
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
The best grilled cheese ever!
Pick the basil off the stems and put the leaves in a nice little pile. This works better if you put the larger leaves on the bottom.
And cut them length ways. This is called chiffonade, but we won't use that term again.
Grate your cheese. You don't need much pepper jack.
Put your butter on your bread. Don't use margarine, nasty stuff. I like to melt my butter in a little bowel and brush it on using a pastry brush.
I am lucky enough to have a cast iron skillet (although my dream is to have the Cuisinart sandwich press). Put your bread on the skillet and place a small amount of mozzarella on the bread.
Next sprinkle some basil on there.
Next sprinkle just a bit of the jack cheese and a little more mozzarella.
Cover with the other piece of bread and if you have a bacon press, stick that baby on there. Helps it cook faster and keeps your sandwich innards from falling out.
Just look at that beauty. Mr M loves these just the way they are, but if you have a man that must have meat on his sandwich, fry up some bacon and add that as an extra layer.
Tasty, tasty!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Other rules on dating
1) Don't date a guy who does not have a car if you do have a car. (This used to be: don't date a guy who doesn't have a car, but I have amended it for people who live in NYC.) The dynamics are all off. I tried this once, don't recommend it.
2) Don't date a guy who when you cut your foot, his first reaction is to be more concerned about his parent's new carpet then the huge gash in your foot that is squirting blood.
3) Don't date a guy who is rude to service people. (For that matter, pick friends who are nice to service people.)
4) If you start having to do more and more editing in your head before bringing up topics, get out now.
5) Don't date someone who won't admit he is wrong, and don't be that person either.
6) If you have just worked a 13 hour shift, gone home, taken a shower, driven 2 hours with your boyfriend to go to lunch with HIS mother, she give you the silent treatment because you are 15 min late, and he grovels and apologizes to get his family to talk, while you are thinking about how you have been up for almost 20 hours, get out, get out, get out.
7) Don't date a guy who never wants to hold your hand or touch you in any way, and makes you feel ugly after hanging out with him. He really is gay. (I am not saying that a guy should be all over you, what I am saying is that you should get some sort of sense that he finds you attractive)
8) Date someone for a least 6 months before getting engaged. I don't care how long you have known him or how wonderfully you click. If it is meant to be, then you can date for at least 6 months.
9) Don't date a guy who is always talking about other beautiful women all the time.
10) Don't date a guy who is probably clinically depressed.
11) Never date a guy who lives with his parents, ever. (There is a difference between a guy living with his parents and his parents living with him for health reasons and such.)
12) Don't have a crazy long engagement. It's to stressful for everyone involved.
13) Do have pre-marital counseling and don't cheat on the questions.
14) Do date a guy who supports you and encourages you to pursue things you enjoy.
15) Do date a guy who brings over soup and medicine when you are sick and will sit on the couch with you all day because he knows you are bored.
16) Do date a guy who helps with the dishes.
17) Do date a guy who has the same financial goal as you.
18) Date a guy who your best gal pals really like and they aren't just saying that.
19) Date a guy that likes to interact with people.
20) Date a guy who does not have apron strings attached. (I find that dating a guy say about 7 years older then yourself helps in this matter. Although Mrs. Juicebox was able to work it out with a guy about 5 years older, but that may be a unique situation.)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Little Montexan
T has been generous to offer to share her soil with me should we decide to have any babies in Montana. If we come to that point, I may just take her up on it.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Farewell to Jana
But since she is leaving no matter what kind of fit I throw, I decided instead to throw her a going away dinner. Here is my lovely table set for fall. I was going to put applesauce in the little pumpkins, but they are too cute to butcher, so they are gathered around the candle.
Friday, November 16, 2007
First Snow
The thing that gets me, is during the show's introduction the talk is all about the brave and wonderful coach who has so much character and leads his men to victory. He has character to keep being a football coach. This is the point when I roll my eyes. Sure we like it if the coach who wins is also a nice guy and his players go to class, but the reality is we like a coach who wins.
Players talk all the time about a fellow players great leadership and "character." OK, but this same guy may play great ball, but he has how many kids by how many different women and how much time does he spend with them?
Everyone loves Tom Brady. "What a great guy." "What a leader!" What character!" What if Tom Brady announced tomorrow that being away from his infant son is not good for him. What if Tom Brady announced that he was going to live near his son and work a normal job and be a real and consistent father to his son? Can you fathom the outcry? No one would be talking about character. They would be saying "what a waste."
Or how about a more down to earth example. What if the local high school football coach decided to just be a teacher in order to have more time to be a better father and husband? Why he would be "letting down the community."
What shows more character, doing something you don't like day after day because it is good for you or your family or doing what you love and running over everybody in you life in the process?
*Disclaimer: I know that there are many wonderful people involved in sports and I think that often sports can be a very positive thing. But sports like many things has a dangerous side that our culture refuses to look at or deal with.*
First, to Mrs. Juicebox for passing the bar exam. She is now a real live lawyer.
Second, to my friend Sarah, who got engaged. I am in the wedding in June!
Third, to Betsy, who is going to be an aunt in May!
So I got to the store and found mascarpone cheese. Turns out that it is an Italian cream cheese and it is being sold for $4.oo an ounce. Now I am willing to spend some money to make things right (never use dried basil when you can use fresh is my motto), but 4 bucks for 1 ounce of cream cheese is a little much, even for me. So I bought a can of 8 ounces of light American cream cheese (a store brand) for $1.19. When I arrived home, I read that I needed 16 ounces of this stuff. To make the recipe the way it called for required at least $64 to make the tiramisu according to the direction. That doesn't even take account for the rum I bought too!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I will never do anything useful in life again...
Turns out that the store didn't have any in, but then we found out something else. You can buy all the old games from the old Nintendo systems and play them on Wii ! You just download them for a few bucks off the web. Oh, oh, oh! We had looked at Wii before and thought it was a cool system and looked fun, but we didn't know that little tidbit. It pushed us over the edge. We had some birthday money from different relatives and buy the Wii system we did. It is even cooler then we thought.
Between joining facebook and having the Wii system, I doubt that there is much usefulness left in me. That book I was thinking about writing has fallen by the wayside.
Week in Dallas
I had a blast in Dallas; I got a new haircut, my eyebrows waxed, did some Ann Taylor shopping, and got new makeup. I feel like a new woman. (yes, I did hang out with my mom as well, I did not neglect her.) I also got to see a bunch of people who I love and they love me. It was great.
I took a plunge and bought a starter kit of bare minerals makeup. Brushes and makeup are all included in the kit based on skin tone. It took a few days to get the application technique all worked out, but I love the stuff. It feels so light on my skin, washes off very well, and looks better the longer I wear it. I don't even have to wear moisturizer any more! (I am not quite sure why, but my skin is not near as dry.)
My brother convinced me to join facebook and now I will never ever get anything done again. It is way to much fun to look up people I know and see if I can find them. Turns out a guy I knew in college was up here a few months ago on vacation and I had no idea. But like I said, way to addicting. My brother's facebook page has a picture of him standing with Ron Paul. What can I say? It takes all types.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Change of location
I don't know if I will be able to get out much, but if anyone wants to swing by the house, we would love to see you. (Plus my birthday is the 15th and I know you all want to throw me a big party.)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Baby goats!
However, our summers are nice and in an attempt to get people to come visit me I am posting some pictures we took this summer.
Baby goat staying close to Mama.
Critter begging me for food (he is about the size of my hand, maybe a little smaller)
Mr. M and me in front of a waterfall on the road.
If you come see us in the summertime, we can take you to see the goats too. They live about an hour away from us. Come on, everybody loves baby goats!